Set in a world of classic fairytales gone bad, Playlogic's brawler is part Happy Tree Friends, part Streets of Rage. It's these bloodthirsty and often disturbing tales to which Fairytale Fights owes its heritage, and which it shows no shame in emulating, albeit with pudgy tongue firmly placed in cutely rendered cheek. Back in the day, kids were fed nightmares, not Knightmare. Bedtime stories populated with child-eating witches, ravenous wolves, marauding giants were the norm, and even I can still remember my grandmother telling me that unless I behaved, the Scissor Man would come and cut off my thumbs. Way back in the pre-TV mists of civilisation, children were kept out of trouble in more direct ways, usually via the medium of terror. Of course, my own generation wasn't that hard-done-by either - I lived in Cities of Gold with Wizbit and Morph. They live in a world of Ninkynonks, Fimbles and Ballymory - hanging around in Lazy Town eating space fruits and befriending lime-green time-tigers. Sometimes, in moments of particularly focused age-related bitterness, I wonder if the kids these days have it too easy.